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Christ Among the Classes
The Rich, the Poor, and the Mission of the Church

Al Tizon

Jesus championed the poor, warned the rich, and loved them both. If this is a portrait of Christ among the classes, and we looked at it like a mirror, what would we see? Is the church in North America (and other affluent societies) anywhere near reflecting this Christ? How can the church reflect Jesus more fully, and thus become an advocate-friend to the poor and a prophet-friend to the rich? This book offers a fresh theology of wealth and poverty, urging the church to be faithful to Jesus and therefore to her mission to bear witness to the gospel of the kingdom of God. It discusses six “life movements” toward living lives of compassion, generosity, simplicity, hospitality, friendship, and solidarity. To the extent that the church moves toward these things, it undermines the sin of classism that plagues our world and becomes truly good news to the poor, oppresses, marginalized, and traumatized.


Whole & Reconciled

Gospel, Church, and Mission in a Fractured World

Al Tizon

The ministry of reconciliation is the new whole in holistic ministry. It must be if the Christian mission is to remain relevant in our increasingly fractured world. This book offers a fresh treatment of holistic ministry that takes the role of reconciliation seriously, rethinking the meaning of the gospel, the nature of the church, and the practice of mission in light of globalization, post-Christendom, and postcolonialism. It also includes theological and practical resources for effectively engaging in evangelism, compassion and justice, and reconciliation ministries. Includes a foreword by Ruth Padilla DeBorst and an afterword by Ronald J. Sider.


Honoring the Generations

Learning with Asian North American Congregations

M. Sydney Park, Soong-Chan Rah, and Al Tizon, Editors

In this intentionally grounded and richly theological volume, the editors bring together diverse leaders from pulpit and academy alike to explore the opportunities for ministry in an Asian North American Christian community that is increasingly challenged by a generation gap, not so much between age groups but between first-generation immigrants and the second- and third-generations. Contributors include Peter Cha, John Chung, Mitchell Kim, Sam Kim, David Lee, Grace May, Nancy Sugikawa, Gideon Tsang, Tim Seng, Jonathan Wu, Greg Yee, and Peter Yi.


Missional Preaching: Engage Embrace Transform

Al Tizon

An invitation and a challenge to today’s church leaders to practice preaching that makes a difference—not only in the church but in the world. Pastor, professor, and missionary Al Tizon offers chapters grounded in biblical themes for mission—and then allows guest preachers to illustrate how those themes may be proclaimed from our pulpits. Features sermons from Greg Boyd, Shane Claiborne, Brenda Salter-McNeil, Ron Sider, and more!


Linking Arms, Linking Lives

Ronald J. Sider, John M. Perkins, Wayne L. Gordon, F. Albert Tizon

Among the various lines drawn between people in the church--male and female, young and old, black and white, rich and poor, Republican and Democrat--there is the line between the urban and the suburban. The stereotypes of the edgy, socially active, multicultural urban Christian and the middle-class, comfortable, upwardly mobile suburban Christian mix fact and fiction. Linking Arms, Linking Lives looks beyond stereotypes and makes a compelling case for partnership that crosses urban and suburban for effective ministry among the poor.


Following Jesus: Journeys in Radical Discipleship

Essays in Honor of Ronald J. Sider

Paul Alexander and Al Tizon, editors

A book of highly readable essays by followers of Jesus who have been influenced by or worked alongside Ron Sider during his 40 years of ministry and leadership of Evangelicals for Social Action. This book combines solid biblical scholarship with real-world examples of radical discipleship and features entries from Dean Trulear, Tony Campolo, Heidi Unruh, David Gushee, and many pioneers of the progressive evangelical movement.


Transformation After Lausanne

Al Tizon

Lausanne ’74 inspired evangelicals around the world to take seriously the full implications of the gospel for mission. This was especially true of a worldwide network of radical evangelical mission theologians and practitioners, whose post-Lausanne reflections found harbor in the notion of “Mission as Transformation.” This missiology integrated evangelism and social concern like no other, and it lifted up theological voices coming from the Two-Thirds World to places of prominence. This book documents the definitive gathering, theological tensions, and social forces within and without evangelicalism that led up to Mission as Transformation. And it does so through a global-local grid that points the way toward greater holistic mission in the twenty-first century.



The Covenant Quarterly

Vol. 78 No. 1-2 (2020)
Al Tizon
This issue has sought to achieve this “glocal” perspective, as the con-tributors represent both Serve Globally personnel and their international partners. Framed by the ECC’s five mission priorities, this issue features a pair of articles for each priority, one from a North American missionary perspective and one from a host country perspective. The hope is that, collectively, these voices have the ring of a diverse but unified song of God’s mission.

SIR Justice: Musings of a FIL-AM Social Activist

64 Milestones
Al Tizon
Born in the Philippines but having grown up in North America, I have lost much of what it means to be distinctly Filipino. When I returned to the Philippines to spend the better part of the 1990s as an international development worker, I rediscovered some of my ethnic heritage, including recovering my native tongue of Tagalog. Still, I am probably more North American than I care to admit — what some call a coconut: brown on the outside, white on the inside.

Evangelism and Social Responsibility:
The Making of a Transformational Vision

The Lausanne Movement: A Range of Perspectives
Al Tizon
Shortly after Ron Sider, one of the pioneers of evangelical holistic mission, returned from Cape Town 2010, he wrote the following reflection: “At Lausanne III … the biblical obligation to combine evangelism and social action was assumed by almost everyone. A deep powerful longing to share the gospel with everyone who is not a believer pervaded the Congress. But so did the call to seek justice for the poor, care for the environment, combat HIV/AIDS, and work for peace.”

Cultivating Scholar Activism in Missiological Education

The 2013 Proceedings of The Association of Professors of Mission
Al Tizon
“The Challenge of the Social in Missiological Education”—if I’ve understood this year’s theme correctly, then I have a potentially helpful story to tell. It’s a story that illustrates the way in which social engagement has been incorporated into a seminary’s approach to theological education.''

Precusors and Tensions in Holistic Mission: An Historical Overview

Holistic Mission: God's Plan for God's People
Al Tizon
‘Holistic mission’ has become a household phrase of sorts among evangelical missiologists and missionaries. In the words of Rene Padilla, “It is now widely accepted that the church’s mission is intrinsically holistic….”1 But how did it get there? This is an important question, especially in light of the evangelismonly theology of mission that pervaded evangelicalism for the greater part of the twentieth century.

Remembering The Missionary Moratorium Debate: Toward A Missiology of Social Transformation in a
Post Colonial Context

The Covenant Quarterly: Feb 2004
Al Tizon
Thirty years ago, John Gatu, general secretary of the Presbyterian Church in East Africa, called for churches in the West to declare a moratorium on missionaries. “[Our] present problems,” he asserted, “can only be solved if all missionaries can be withdrawn....The churches in the third world must be allowed to find their own identity, and the continuation of the present missionary movement is a hindrance to this selfhood....”1 Many other two-thirds world leaders echoed Gatu in this radical proposal, causing a worldwide, cross-cultural, trans denominational debate among missiologists and missionaries.

music reviews

The 77s: Standing the Test of Time

The Alarm:
Marching On

Larry Norman Visited This Planet

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Fallen Angel

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The Gospel According to Patty

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I'm Shouting!

Music Reviews




"Stay! The Other Great Commission" - Pastor Al Tizon

"Stay! The Other Great Commission" - Pastor Al Tizon

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